Download Anilao in English version

3 Mar

LEO is a geologist who has worked around the
world for many oil companies. He studied the
Bible and the Koran in the original language and has
become a kind of Prophet,who instead of predicting
the future, predicts the past. In the course of his travels
he has had the opportunity to study the structure of
many exotic ethnic tribes and make experiences which
form the basis for an original social-political prophecy
that is developed and discussed in this book. That’s what
Leo wrote to his friend and Master Jacob:
Here is the originality of the revelation: it was necessary
to create the tribes …
Everyone, rich or poor, intelligent or stupid, educated or
ignorant, chief or follower, had to belong to a tribe and
to a tribal territory. “
TO confirm his tribal concept Leo makes the
experiments of communal living in his farm of Scicli,
Sicily, and putting himself in the hands of chance, he
founds the Italian Tribal Party, which aims to solve all
the socio-economic problems of Italy. If the quantum
probability can never be zero, over time also his project
could succeed.
THE conclusion of Leo is:
The probability, when it occurs, becomes history …
Will the probability of the

Download Anilao English Version

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