Archivio | agosto, 2014

What is space-time ?

10 Ago

What is space-time?

Nahmanides’ commentary on the creation of the world is astonishing. His amazing thesis could have shined a torch to reconcile the micro of Max Plank with the macro of Einstein eight centuries later! In a way he was the great revival of the Greek Atomists suppressed by the brilliance of Aristotle. With a little flight of imagination one could envisage him today addressing the Royal Society in London  describing a plausible thesis or scenario on  the universe expanding, and matter forming. Here are his own words some 800 years ago! (All highlights are mine) “…At the briefest instant following creation all the matter of the universe was concentrated in a very small place, no larger than a grain of mustard. The matter at this time was very thin, so intangible, that it did not have real substance. It did have, however, a potential to gain substance and form and to become tangible matter. From the initial concentration of this intangible substance in its minute location, the substance expanded, expanding the universe as it did so. As the expansion progressed, a change in the substance occurred. This initially thin non-corporeal substance took on the tangible aspects of matter as we know it. From this initial act of creation, from this ethereally thin pseudo-substance, everything that has existed, or will ever exist, was, is, and will be formed”

Nahmanides was probably right about the fact that matter was very thin and so intangible that it didn’t have a substance, but it “ did have, however, a potential to gain substance and form and to become tangible matter”.

I am reading the book: Entanglement by Amir Aczel. Up to chapter 15 there is no complete proof of the mysterious non-local nature of the Universe, that bothered Einstein. A famous scientists, Abner Shimony, thought that a “deep adjustment “of space-time theory was necessary and John Bell thought that a “radical conceptual renewal” was needed. My question is: do we understand what space-time is ? It must be continuous and made of “something”, since it bends, shortens, produces waves etc.. I am sure the solution will come at the end of the book, as usual. In the mean time I like to propose a simple solution.

Traffic slow-downs and delays causing traffic jams.

You’re stuck for hours in queues and you wonder why. The answer to your question is simple: you are a victim of traffic hysteresis. Here is the explanation.

When I left as a young man in a “bus” from Cervia to return to the University of Bologna after a beach holiday, during peak days of summer vacation, very often the bus got stuck for long, interminable periods and I wondered why. Was it possible to solve the problem and what were the causes?

Thinking a bit about the problem and being familiar with some few concepts of physics and mathematics I quickly discovered what was the problem and what was the solution. Here is what I thought:

Let us assume that the distance between Cesena and Bologna is 60 kilometers and the queue starts at Cesena. If there is a car every ten meters because there is a safe distance between the cars, there will be at least 6000 cars that are stopped in the queue, i.e. 60,000 / 10 meters.

Now if the car closer to Bologna starts again, it will take at least ( say ) a half second delay before the driver of the car that follows reacts and moves, so the vehicle which is located near Cesena restarts after 3000 seconds, i.e. 50 minutes ( nearly one hour).

There is nothing we can do to solve the problem, because even if the reactions of the drivers are fast, it would take some time to restart their cars and start moving, therefore there will always be some delay.

What is the solution? Simple: link the cars all together, so when the first starts moving all of them move, but then you might as well go by train.

So I realized that it was better to take the train instead of the bus, during peak summer holidays.

Application to quantum physics.

Scientists are amazed by the fact that in quantum mechanics the space seems to know instantly what’s going on (in spite of the theory of relativity, which states that information cannot travel faster than light). This phenomenon is variously called “entanglement”, “non-locality”, “ spooky action at distance “, etc. ..

And if the infinite atoms of space-time were all linked together, so that when one moves, all move? In other words, if the “ether” was a continuous substance that has no voids and that fills all the infinite space? Only if these infinite atoms were of zero size and zero mass, they would be linked together without any gaps. Their sum would therefore be 1, the Infinite Unity of all things.

God is One Infinite Unit.

If the ether is the substance of God, which fills all space-time without leaving any gaps, it must necessarily be able to transmit the information immediately. A God acting too late, that God is He? … So, if God exists, as the Prophets say, He must act quickly. Once the will of God has given its signal, the waves of energy can take it easy and wait for the photons to arrive at the speed of light, but in the meantime God has already “caught on” what’s going to happen.

Think about it …